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Chakra, Balancing Massage Therapy( Bringing Happy Vibes to Your Life)

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The Crown Chakra is linked to the cerebral cortex where information processing and understanding take place; where acceptance and feeling of bliss happen. The Crown Chakra is the centre of ultimate connection to wisdom and spirituality, and considered the path to the highest level of consciousness.

Stress, worry, and negative feelings weaken Sahasrara. Positive thoughts, meditation and intentional silence help restore its balance.

The Third-Eye or Brow Chakra (Ajna)

When awakened, the Third-Eye Chakra allows us to heighten our perception, inner vision and intuition. Healthy sleep is directly related to a healthy ajna as it helps to regulate the pineal gland which secretes melatonin.

An impeded ajna manifests itself as headaches, migraines, sleeplessness or insomnia, mental confusion or depression.

The Throat Chakra (Vishudha)

The Throat Chakra acts as a bridge between the heart and the mind, being the energy centre of creativity, communication and self-expression. If out of balance, we may experience problems in the throat, lungs, neck and shoulders, and have difficulties unearthing our true voice.

The Heart Chakra(Anahata)

The Heart Chakra is the energy centre of compassion, love, harmony and balanced emotions. Signals of a balanced heart chakra are strong and healthy heart functions, immune system, endocrine system, and circulatory system.

The heart chakra is extremely sensitive to stress. Fear, judgement and defensiveness directly harm Anahata, leading to unhappy relationships, or the feeling we are unloved and unworthy of love.

The Solar Plexus (Manipura)

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the core centre of our emotions (joy, sadness, anger) and directly relates to our sensitivity, ambition, and energy. It is located above the navel and is seen in relation to digestive system and adrenal gland health. Feelings of anger and frustration are obstacles to cultivating a strong Manipura.

The Sacral Chakra (Svadhistana)

The Sacral Chakra can be found just below the belly button and is directly linked to sexuality, pleasure, and emotions. A healthy sacral chakra indicates properly functioning reproductive organs and regulated sex hormones. Enhanced feelings of desire, pleasure, friendliness, warmth and creativity are associated with svadhisthana.

This chakra is closely related to base emotions, therefore nonalignment can often result in a range of emotional problems and feeling out of touch.

The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with earthly grounded and connecting to the larger universe. Signs of a balanced root chakra include heightened survival instincts and gut feelings, healthy working adrenal glands and kidneys. Your legs, feet, and bones are key connections to the physical world that help to realign the root chakra.

Deep-seated feelings of fear, defensiveness, and long-term anxiety often accompany an unbalanced muladhara.

Blocked or misaligned chakras can manifest a number of associated ailments, and emotional disruptions. As powerful points receiving and distributing energy, the chakras also hold memories of past lives. Left unaddressed, painful “baggage” may carry through the next life and continue to hurt us.

Maintaining one’s energy centres is vital to balancing physical and spiritual connections


Essential Oils To Balance Your Chakras. Walsh.S (2018)

Chakra photo

To make an appointment contact me on 07758754317

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